Position - PeopleSoft FSCM Technofunctional Consultant
Location - Noida
Exp - 3+ Years
Location - Noida
Exp - 3+ Years
Technical and Functional Interview Questions And Answers
Record Field Events |
FieldChange event |
FieldDefault event |
FieldEdit event |
FieldFormula event |
PrePopup event |
RowDelete event |
RowInit event |
RowInsert event |
RowSelect event |
SaveEdit event |
SavePostChange event |
SavePreChange event |
SearchInit event |
SearchSave event |
Workflow event |
Component Record Field Events |
FieldChange event |
FieldDefault event |
FieldEdit event |
PrePopup event |
Component Record Events |
RowDelete event |
RowInit event |
RowInsert event |
RowSelect event |
SaveEdit event |
SavePostChange event |
SavePreChange event |
SearchInit event |
SearchSave event |
Component Events |
PostBuild event |
PreBuild event |
SavePostChange event |
SavePreChange event |
Workflow event |
Page Events |
Activate |
Menu Events |
ItemSelected |
Local Rowset &rsSAlone; &rsSAlone = CreateRowset(Record.SAMPLE_RECORD);
&TRG_ID = '12345'; &rsSAlone.Fill("where TRAINING_ID = :1", &TRG_ID);
FillAppend Method
FillAppend is another method that we can use to populate a standalone rowset. This method appends the database records to the rowset starting from position of (last row + 1). Ie; it keeps the existing row intact and do not flush the rowset first like the Fill method.&TRG_ID = '12345'; &rsSAlone.FillAppend("where TRAINING_ID = :1", &TRG_ID);
CopyTo Method
Local Rowset &rsSAlone2; &rsSAlone2 = CreateRowset(Record.SAMPLE_RECORD); &rsSAlone.CopyTo(&rsSAlone2);
Child Rowsets
Local Rowset &Lvl1, &Lvl2, &Lvl3; &Lvl3 = CreateRowset(Record.SAMPLE_LVL3_REC); &Lvl2 = CreateRowset(Record.SAMPLE_LVL2_REC, &Lvl3); &Lvl1 = CreateRowset(Record.SAMPLE_LVL1_REC, &Lvl2);
Local Rowset &rset0, &rset1; Local Row &ROW;&rset0 = GetLevel0(); &rset1 = &rset0(1).GetRowset(Scroll.HRB_ITM_MMT_ADD); &rows = &rset1.ActiveRowCount; Local Record &REC, &REC2; &REC = CreateRecord(Record.MASTER_ITEM_TBL); &REC2 = CreateRecord(Record.HRB_ITM_MMT_ADD);&BUCOUNT = 1; For &j = 1 To &rset1.ActiveRowCount&PREVBU = &rset1(&j).GetRecord(Record.HRB_ITM_MMT_ADD).GetField(Field.SETID).Value; &r = CurrentRowNumber();&rset1.InsertRow(&r); End-For;
The grid is placed on level 1 of a secondary page and is populated using Peoplecode written in the Activate event of the secondary page. We use the SQL object &VCHRS_GRD_SQL
to fetch some Voucher IDs and Vendor IDs from the database and populate the grid with these values.
Local SQL &VCHRS_GRD_SQL; /* SQL object for fetching the vouchers and vendors*/ Local Rowset &VCHRS_GRD_RS; /*Rowset for accessing the Grid*/ &VCHRS_GRD_SQL = CreateSQL("SELECT V.VOUCHER_ID, V.VENDOR_ID FROM PS_VOUCHER V WHERE V.BUSINESS_UNIT =:1 AND V.ACCOUNTING_DT > :2", &SGK_BU, &SGK_ACCTG_DT); /*creating the SQL statement*/ &VCHRS_GRD_RS = GetLevel0()(1).GetRowset(Scroll.SGK_VCHR_DVW); /*creating a rowset corresponding to the grid */ While &VCHRS_GRD_SQL.Fetch(&GRD_VOUCHER_ID, &GRD_VENDOR_ID) &VCHRS_GRD_RS(1).SGK_VCHR_DVW.VOUCHER_ID.Value = &GRD_VOUCHER_ID; /*assigning the voucher ID to the filed in the grid */ &VCHRS_GRD_RS(1).SGK_VCHR_DVW.VENDOR_ID.Value = &GRD_VENDOR_ID; /*assigning the Vendor ID to the filed in the grid */ &VCHRS_GRD_RS.InsertRow(0); /* inserting a new row at the beginning of the grid*/ End-While; &VCHRS_GRD_RS.DeleteRow(1); /* deleting the empty row left after all the insertions */ &VCHRS_GRD_SQL.Close(); /* closing the SQL object */