Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Field Change vs Field Edit in Peoplecode Events

Difference between Field Change and Field Edit Event -

Field Change peoplecode event is for recalculating field values based on changes 
made to other fields e.g suppose u have 2 fields one is rate and other is quantity and there is another field which shows the total cost so whenever a value is changed in any of the above 2 field (rate and quantity) the total cost will also change so on field change event of these 2 fields u can write code to calculate the total cost.

Field edit event is used for validating field values if the field doe'snt pass the validation an error msg is diaplayed and the page is redisplayed with the field marked in red e.g to this could be that u may want that the quantity should not exceed 1000 if it does the system should display an error so u can write a peoplecode for that which will chk the quantity if it is greater than 1000 error msg will be displayed.

Events for error & warning -

Answer :  Field edit, Save edit, Search save, row delete, row insert.