1.Can we insert sub record into another subrecord?
Ans:Yes,we can insert a Sub-record into another Sub-record.When a Sub-record definition is opened goto Insert and Sub-record.\
2.Difference between Save Prechange & Save Postchange?
Ans:In Save Prechange we can get the data from Component Buffer for that
particular Component where as in SavePost change Component Buffer is
cleared we have to get data from Database and this is used to update
values outside the database.
3.What is naming convention of SQR program?
Ans:The program must End with .sqr & extension and the length of name must be
>=8 characters.
4.Can we run SQR program through a push button from a
Ans: Yes we can run using properties of Push Button. That are
Specifying Destination = ProcessProcess Type = SQR Report andName = SQR
report name.
5.Order of Execution of Deferred processing?
Ans: This is similar to Interactive Processing where as in this Field Change, Field
Edit Peoplecode events & System edits will be differed until we
press the Save Button.
6.What are Data Buffer Classes in Peoplesoft?
Ans: There are totally 4 Data Buffer Classes in Peoplesoft. They are
1.Row Class
2.Rowset Class
3.Field Class
4.Record Class.
7.What are Different Functions in PeopleCode?
Ans: There Are Totally 4 types of Functions in Peoplecode.
They are
1.Builtin Functions
2.Internal Peoplecode Functions
3.External Peoplecode Functions
4.External Non-Peoplecode functions
9.Does Save Edit & Save Prechange Are in Component Level or Comp[onent Record Level?
Ans: These are available in Component Level.
10.What are Heading And Footing SQC?
Ans: These SQC's are useful for Heading & Footing Sections of an Report. One of the
important Footing SQC is #RESET.SQC.
11.What is Application Messaging?
Ans: This is mainly used to publish or subscribe Messages to other Systems . This is kind of
communication as per my knowledge.
12.Where and when do we use SQR?
Ans: 1.Where the Programing logic is more.
2.If We need to Generate different kinds of reports.
3.Background SQL processing.
4.File Interfacing.
13.People Code Event sequence ExecutionAns:
1.Search Init
2.Search Save
3.Row Select
5.Field Default
6.Field Formula
7.Row Init
10.Field Edit
11.Field Change
12.Row Insert
13.Row Delete
14.Save Edit
16.Work Flow
14.Steps for Running SQR in PeopleSoft Environment?
Ans: There are mailnly 3 steps for running SQR in PeopleSoft Environment.
1. Making our SQR program API aware.
2. Creating Run Control Table and Run Control Page (Using PRCSRUNCNTL_SBP subpage).
3. Scheduling our program in Process Scheduler.
(PATH: Peopletools- Process Scheduler - Processes).
15.How to change the prompt table Dynamically?
Ans: Using PeopleCode function & %Edit Table.
16. How do you perform People Code Debugging?
Ans:1.First we have to set the Debugger mode by selecting & Enter Debugger Mode& in Debugg menu in the ApplicationDesigner
2.Next we have find which variables we need to Debugg,this we can do by selecting local,component or Global variables from the Debugg menu.
3.Next we have to set the BreakPoints using & Toggle Break at Cursor or Break Point at Start from the menu items of the Debugg menu.
17.How do you conect to Client Database?
Ans: Using VPN (Virtual Protocol Network) Protocol.
18. What is Effective Date?
Ans:This is an important Concept for an ERP using this we can enter more
than one values to row for the same key fields depending on date. Here
we can maintain History, Current & future rows. We can also maintain
more number of rows for same effective date using Effective Sequence.
This concept is minly used in most of the Control Tables.
Ans:These are two high level key fields for Control tables &
Transaction Tables respectively. These fields play a vital role in
21.How to build customer indexes?
Ans; By using Key fields & Alternate search key we can create system
indexes. Where as we can create User defined indexes using App.
Designer. Path is: In menus Tools -Data Administration -create indexes.
25 Purpose of Upgrade Tab?
Ans: This is mainly used for version upgradation.
29.How do you solve Bugs?
Ans: Using Debugging Techniques and Messaging in that particular area.
30.Difference between Query Views & Dynamic Views?
Ans: 1.Query Views are designed using Query Manager Tool where as we write SQL in Dynamic Views.
2.Query View is Built and Exists in the Database where as Dynamic View can't be build so it doesnot exists in Database.
32.How do you assign Search Record to Component?
Ans:By going to the component properties , Use Tab and Specifying the
search record in that particular area ie;Add Search Record Property.
33.How do you move data from legacy system to Peoplesoft?
Ans:We can use some Integration Tools such as Component Interface, File
Layout & Integration Broker and alse using Flat files in SQR. We
have some specific commands in Flat files handking in SQR such as OPEN,
READ commands.
45.Difference between Interface, Report & Process?
Ans: Interface: This is used to interact with other system may be PS or Legacy Syatem
Report: This has an user interaction to execute or generate.
Process: This is Scheduled in Batch Server so ther is no need for the user to especially run it. It Automatically Executes.
46.What is State Record?
Ans: These are Used in Application Engine Programs to pass values between Actions & Sections.
47.How many actions are there in App. Engine?
Ans: There are Totally 9 Actions. They are
Do When
Do Select
Do While
People Code
Log Messages
Do Untill
Call Section
48.Difference between Do Select & Do When?
Ans:Do Select is like FOR Loop in C. How many rows it retrives that many
times it performs the Do When & SQl actions below it. Where as Do
When is like a condition operator such as IF statement in C.
49.Pupose of App. Engine?
Ans: 1.Backgroung SQL processing.
2.To pass data between Modules.
3.To pass data between Databases.
4.To populate Reporting tables using data in Transaction Tables.
5.For integration purpose.
6.Validation of data
7.Data Manipulations.
8.For Version Up gradation.
9.Archive Data .
50.Performance Tuning in SQR?
2.Using ARRAYS.
3.Multiple Reports.
4.Using -Bnn.
5.Using SQT file.
6.Running on Batch Server.
7.Using Proper programming logic in sQR such as BREAK statement in Evaluate.
8.Using proper SQL Statements.
51.File types in SQR?
Ans:1.SQR=This is nothing but the SQR source file.
2.SQC=This is a used as functional Libraries.
3.Lis=This is Line Printer Output file.
4.SPF=This is a Portable format file.
5.SQT=This is Complied time file.
6.INI=These files are used to set the default Environment for our SQR Report.
7.MAX=These are used to increase the memory size.
8.ERR,LOG,DAT=These are used for Error Handling purpose.
52.List Out some CommandLine Flags in SQR?
Ans:-S,-A,-KEEP,-ZIV,-XMB,-ZMF,-E,-O,-Debug,-RS,-RT etc
53.Purpose of the Arguments in the LOAD-LOOKUP?
Ans:To Create a Load-Lookup array as per requirement in the arguments.
54.Commands in the File-Handling?
Ans:1.Open for-Reading For-Writing For-Appeding.
55.Diff between ASK & INPUT Commands?
1.This is used in the Setup section i.e . Compile Time Variable.
2.This prompts for the values during the compilation time.
3.This does not have the datatype and length.&
1.This can be used in other than the Setup section i.e. Run tTime Variable
2.This prompts for the values during the Execution Time.
3.Here,we can specify the datatype and the length.
56.Debugging in SQR?
Ans: Using Debugging commands we can do debugging in SQR.They are
1.Display(to display only one variable)
2.Show(to display more than one variable)
3.#IF Debug
57.Effdt and EffSeq Quries?
Ans:Select * from Table1 A where A.EffDt= (Select Max (B.EffDt) from Table1 B where A.keys B.keys AND A.EffDt<= as of Date)<br /><br />Select
* from Table1 A where A.EffDt= (Select Max (B.EffDt from Table1 B where
A.keys B.keys AND A.EffDt<= as of Date AND B.EffSeq=(Select
Max(C.EffSeq from Table1 C where B.keys=C.keys AND B.EffDt=C.EffDt AND
58What is SQC , List out some of them?
Ans:SQC is used as Functional Library mainly used to re-use code and get
some predefined functionalities used for our SQR programs.
59.What is ProcessScheduler?
Ans:This is a Peopletool used to Schedule and monitor the Execution of any
Process or Report or Program in Peoplesoft Environment.
62.What is Scroll Area ? How many can we keep on a Page?
Ans:Scroll Area is a Page Control which contains Child Records-Fields
which is used to maintain the Parent-Child Relationship between Tables.
We can place any number of scroll areas on a page.
64.What is DataMover?
Ans: DataMover is a Peopletool which is used to move Data between different DataBases.
70.Can we send SQR Output to Ms-Word or Crystal Reports?
Ans: Yes.
71.How do we refer Component Buffer in the Object-Based or Procedural-Based PeopleCode?
Ans:In Procedural Based Peoplecode by using scrollpath we can refer. In
Object-Oriented Peoplecode by Instantiating Objects to Record , Row ,
Row Set ,Field we can refer the Component Buffer.
72.Limitaion of SQL Exec function in Peoplecode?
Ans:1.Used in only SavePrechange , WorkFlow , SavePostchange, and for DML commands and for Select statements used other Event types
2.Results only one Single row of data
75.How will you read Data from the CSV file or Excel file and Upload it into the Database using AE Progrm?
Ans: Using File Layout Integration Tool.
77.Which SQC is used to read Data from the Translate table?
Ans: ReadXlat.SQC
82.Why is Load-Lookup used in SQR?
Ans: Used to increase the performance mainly in the case of Master Detail Reports.
85.Why is SQLExec function is used and how many rows you can retrive using it?
Ans:This is mainly used to Directly access the Database by-passing the ComponentBuffer.
86.What is a Sub-Page? Why it is used?
Ans:Sub-Page is a Page control which is mainly used to insert Sub-Records.
87.Why is Derived Work record used?
Ans:DerivedWork record is mainly used for the Online page calculations and also used as Functional Libraries in PeopleCode.
91.How will you delete the button [Add,Update/Display,Update/DisplayAll and Correction] from a Page on the Browser?
Ans:By going to the Internet tab of the Component properties in the App.Designer and disabling the checkboxes as per our requirements.
96.What is the diff between the Local and the Component Variables in the PeopleCode?
Ans:Local variable scope is upto that particular program where as the Component variable scope is upto the particular Component.
98.What are the types of the Table Joins?
Ans:1.Self Join 2.Cartesian Join 3.EquiJoin 4.OuterJoin 5.Inner Join
103.Why is On-Break used?
Ans:1.To reduce the Redundancy of Printing the data.
2.For Group-Footing and Group-Headings.
105.What are the Object Classes available in the PeopleCode?
Ans:1.Field Class 2.Row Class 3.Record Class 4.Rowset Class 5.File Class 6.Array Class 7.SQL Class 8.Page Class 9.AE Class 10.Application Class
11.Component Interface Class 12.Bussiness Interlink Class 13.Grid Class 14.Query Class 15.Java Class
108.How will you display an Image in SQR?
Ans:Using Declare-Image Command.
109.Which Sql Commands can be used in the SQL-Paragraph?
Ans:Except Select command We can use DDL,DMLand DCL.
110.In which section Select Paragrarph Statement be used?
Ans:In the Setup,Program and the Procedure sections we can use the Select Paragraphs.