Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Prepaid Voucher Closer in Peoplesoft

Created a withholding prepaid voucher. Posted it. It created 2-payment schedules. One for the vendor and one for with holding.
Recorded payment for the vendor schedule and posted the payment.
Tried to cancel that payment with the option ‘Do not reissue/Close Liability’ and got the error.
As per the instruction in the error, cancelled the payment by ‘Re-open Voucher/put on hold’ and posted that the payment again.But in the voucher component, not able to delete the withholding schedule since there is no ‘+’ or ‘-’ as it is for a Regular voucher.
Found the solution to uncheck withholding on the lines and unpost the voucher.
Unposted that voucher.
When unposted that withholding payment schedule there is ‘+’ or ‘-’ as it is for a Regular voucher.
Removed the withholding information on the voucher and saved it and posted it again.
Now choose this voucher for Closure. Once you mark a voucher for closure and save the voucher, you must run the Voucher posting process to create the accounting entries to relieve the liability.
Now we can see the Accounting Entries.