Friday, 27 June 2014

Send Mail and TriggerBusinessEvent Function in PeopleSoft

Send Mail Function

&MAIL_TO = "";
&MAIL_CC = "";
&MAIL_SUBJECT = "Helpdesk ID : " | " " | REQ_HDR_VW.REQ_ID;
&MAIL_TEXT = "Hi Team," | Char(10) | Char(10) | "This is automatically generated helpdesk id for:" | Char(10) | "Requisition ID:" | REQ_HDR_VW.REQ_ID | " " | Char(10) | "Business Unit:" | REQ_HDR_VW.BUSINESS_UNIT | Char(10) | "Requisition raised by" | ": " | REQ_HDR_VW.REQUESTOR_ID | Char(10) | "Requestor Name: " | &name | Char(10) | "Requestor Emailid: " | &emailid | Char(10) | Char(10) | "Item:" | TB_REQ_DESC_WRK.COMMENTS | Char(10) | Char(10) | "Approximate Amount:" | REQ_APPROVAL_WR.MERCH_AMT_TTL_BSE | Char(10) | Char(10) | "Aptara Helpdesk ID and Comments:" | Char(10) | REQ_APPROVAL_WR.COMMENTS | Char(10) | "Req. line comments:" | TB_REQ_DESC_WRK.COMMENTS_2000;


      &RTN = TriggerBusinessEvent(BusProcess."REQ_NOTIFICATION", BusActivity."Notify Requester", BusEvent."Amount Approved");